A nourishing breakfast filled with plump, juicy fruit, sweet honey, and crunchy nuts and grains; musli (or muesli as it’s often labeled in America) originated in the Swiss Alps. Cream makes this a luscious morning treat but if you’re health conscious, omit the cream and use greek yogurt.
Mix together the oats, cream, hazelnuts, cranberries and honey, let sit for a few minutes while you grate the apples and cut up the bananas. You do not need to soak this müsli overnight since today’s “quick oats” soften much quicker. If you use steel oats though, they need to sit overnight.
Pour the lemon juice over the apples and let them soak it up a tad; avoid pouring the lemon juice over the cream or yogurt so it doesn’t curdle the milk.
Mix all ingredients together and enjoy.