Congratulations to those of you who made it through Dry January, and congratulations to all in the US who made it through January, drinking or not. If you’re back on the sauce, we bet your wine collection needs some tending to. Enter Brian DiMarco, founder of Barterhouse and Harlem Standard, whose specialty is keeping the libations flowing. Barterhouse’s newly launched wine club, Wine List, is the one delivery you’ll look forward to every month, all year long.
These are not your average, run-of-the-mill wines, and these are not bottles so outrageously expensive that you need to tap out before you even start. Instead, these are bottles that you will immensely enjoy with your quaranteam now, and long after this pandemic is a distant memory. With the restaurant industry on pause, this is your chance to get their wine allocations, at their prices through Wine List, for a reasonable $250/month for a case of treasures. For those who want to double down as you find new favorites, you otherwise would not have known were the wines you can’t live without, you can get two of these cases for $400/month.
Brian knows his stuff, and the new wine club is meant to be that monthly package you can’t wait to arrive. Yes, joy does come in packs of twelve, twenty-four, thirty-six – you get it. Contact Barterhouse here to join the club, and mention that you’re with Galavante, and they’ll hook you up extra special.
Message us at [email protected] and learn more here.