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Trips to Take with the Parents

Regina Christine parents podcast

There’s a reason why there wasn’t an official kids’ day when we were growing up. It’s because if you ask Mom and Dad, that day was every day. Whether it was that 6 AM ice time or the 4 birthday parties in one weekend, our folks put in the work. So, they deserve more than a day to honor them, and Regina + Christine suggest you go big with a trip. They take it a step further too, and give you the reasons, tips and survival tricks in some cases for the most memorable trips to take with your parents.

Say it With Travel

Family trips have come a long way if you grew up in the 80s and 90s. There was a reason that National Lampoons was a movie that so many of us could relate to. However, as much as family trips have come a long way, so has your relationship with your parents. There is something about the family trip that is just different than taking your parents to dinner. Maybe it’s the Coliseum as your backdrop, or looking up at the Sistine Chapel with Mom. If you stop to really think about it though, it’s the extended quality time with your family. Unlike a visit to your parent’s house, you’re in a totally new environment, spending meals for days. Even if you’re skeptical about how that will play out, spending dedicated time with your parents as an adult is an experience few will regret. You may even like it so much that trips to take with your parents will become an annual tradition.

Keep it Simple

If you did grow up in the 80s and 90s, Mom and Dad today are 30-40 years older. We know that’s simple math, but seeing that on screen is the reality check for how to plan your trips to take with your parents. Yes some of you have parents that can climb Kilimanjaro. Most of us though, have parents who are relatively healthy, but regardless are getting older. Also, this is a vacation so stick to that definition. Keeping it simple, in a non-conflict region and a place that’s relatively easy to enjoy is one of the foundations to a successful vacation with Mom and Dad.

Search Your Roots

Speaking of destinations to travel with your parents, something that is meaningful could be to trace your roots. Maybe you are first generation and you take your parents back to their home country for the first time together. Or maybe your family came over on the Mayflower. Whatever your situation, there’s something special about seeing where you came from. We would say that this would be one of the most special trips to take with your parents to make it a real family affair.

Top Tips to Travel with Parents

Regina and Christine talk about travel with Mom on the podcast, but really with Father’s Day coming up, this applies to parents in general. Here are a few tips that yes, require some spend. But if you have the coin to do it, Mom and Dad are worth it.

  1. Fly Mom and Dad as comfortably as possible to your destination. 

Flights are some of the most optimal ways to use your Amex, Chase and credit card points. So squirrel those away to get Mom and Dad at the front of the plane. This is not just about comfort, but health for Mom and Dad. Wherever you land, Mom and Dad will be much better prepared to enjoy their destination. Also there is something special about seeing your parents at the front of the plane. They’ve earned it.

2. Arrange airport transfers when you arrive. 

There is nothing more stressful than scrambling at the airport the moment you arrive. First impressions are everything, so manage the potential stress and conflict from the start. Have someone at baggage claim waiting to help you and the family with bags and take  you to the hotel.

Also if you can swing it, airport VIP is the way to go. If Mom and Dad have a hard time walking long distances, arrange the wheelchairs. There’s no need for them to walk 2 miles and wait in a long immigration line. Arrive as comfortably as your budget will allow.

3. Manage the scheduling.

This is not your college days of backpacking through Europe and cramming everything you can into a day. Dial it back and stop and smell the flowers. About a month before your trip, send your family a proposed itinerary so everyone can digest and weigh in. This gets everyone excited and also on board with what you have planned, including any siblings who will join you.

The day you arrive on any trips to take with your parents, allow some time for rest. Give Mom and Dad a few hours to settle in, unpack and get familiarized with their new setting. Plan an easy lunch, and a light walk around. If you have children with you, activities for up to 4 hours are probably the max. Give everyone digestible experiences that maximize time while not over-scheduling. We would also suggest to pre-plan all the meals as well as no one wants to have an entire hangry family.

4. Splurge on the guides and experiences. 

If you’re with your parents, kids, brother and his families, take the potential conflict and unnecessary stress out of the situation. Also get more out of your time wherever you are, and book expert guides and special experiences. These are not the days when you were in a station wagon DIY’ing it and fighting with your sibling in the back. Yes you can look at pretty buildings but knowing where you’re going and getting the most out of it is a good thing. Also having a schedule so you’re not all negotiating where to go next will make the trip less stressful.

5. Enjoy time with your parents. 

We know that this seems so obvious, but sometimes we all get lost in the trees and don’t see the forest. Yes you should plan, but don’t stress about it. Take a breath and enjoy the moment. This is probably the most important of all the tips for trips to take with your parents. The whole point is to enjoy time together. And don’t forget to take lots of photos; these are memories that will last forever.

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