We formalized our charitable work by creating the Galavante in the World Foundation one month ago. Because we couldn’t sit on our hands when we had the resources to help. We’re proud to update you on The Afghanistan Project. One alumna whom we’ve supported while she was in Eastern Europe is officially US-bound. And so are others. See what you’ve been a part of here.
Evacuation Update
We have a generous, anonymous donor who committed to evacuation flights. These cost about $1 million each. The issue is we need the proper process to bring them into an interim country, then into the United States. The majority of the alumnae on our list remain in Kabul, where the situation has significantly deteriorated. They have no access to cash, food is scarce and several are on the run from the Taliban. What this means, is that they have to move every few nights to survive. One student’s brother was shot by the Taliban in a random, senseless attack. The stories that we receive from students on a daily basis, are nothing but heartbreaking.
The Future in Afghanistan
The reality is unless we evacuate the alumnae, death and extreme suffering that we can’t even write about, are the future. The AUAF women alumnae are one of the most at-risk groups. There is no wait and see if the Taliban is better this time around. They control the media at this point and we are barely getting a view into the reality of Afghanistan.
Humanitarian Parole
We are continuing to advocate on behalf of the AUAF women for humanitarian parole. This is a complex process within our government as the visa timeline is 18 months, at best case scenario. Our women will not survive that period, so our efforts are outreach to the State Department and our Congress representatives.
There is bright news to report though. The University has been very successful in their evacuation efforts of the current students. They mobilized quickly to set up satellite campuses and there has been online learning from the start. There are also alumnae who are coming out from these evacuation flights.
Several of our alumnae self-evacuated with their families through humanitarian organizations. They are in a refugee camp in the Middle East and will be on their way to the United States within 60 days. We are ready for them. We are in the process of arranging interim housing, job placement and legal resources.
Where We’ve Deployed Resources
- We are funding housing for students through Airbnb subsidies and donations to the foundation. To date, we have funded and mobilized $35,000 of in-kind and cash commitments.
- We have deployed over $8,000 in cash to students who have self-evacuated for food and basic necessities until they can reach the U.S.
- Many students do not have passports. We are providing $2,500 for them to journey to the Afghan consulate in Islamabad. Without passports, there is no way to get them to the U.S. or any interim country.
- Within one month of our foundation, we have provided over $45,000 of direct aid to students. This is just the start.
Alumnae Achievement
We are proud to report that one student received a scholarship for her Masters program at Georgetown. To write that, puts the reality on paper that these are the caliber of women we have left behind in Afghanistan. Yes, this student is exceptional, but in the frame work of AUAF, she is the typical student. We are not going to stop fighting so that these women achieve their potential.
Fundraising Update
We applied for our 501c3 designation, and are pushing through as fast as we can. We have significant commitments from generous donors in the pipeline from here. Our GoFundMe has raised over $12,000, and we expect this number to grow significantly. Thank you so much for your generosity. Your funds go directly to the women alumnae for their needs. The day will come soon where we will have profiles on the women you have helped, as they are U.S.-bound.
If you would like to be part of our GoFundMe, the link is here.
In the Pipeline
- Jaymie Beckett, who is Head of Housing Resettlement, has asked Airbnb to allocate a portion of their generous commitment to Afghan housing to our alumnae.
- We have a law firm, we hope to report next month, who will take on the complex legal issues with resettlement of the women.
- Tina Naser, Head of Job Placement, is working to coordinate companies that will hire our talented women.
- We continue to advocate daily for the women through the proper government channels.
Thank You for Your Support
Your kind words, your contacts, and your monetary donations mean the world.
To Get Involved
We are 100% volunteer run so that the funds go to the women who need the assistance. Please contact us at foundation@galavante.com to be part of our team.