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Introducing the Galavante in the World Foundation

Galavante in the World Foundation

Sometimes, you need to take matters into your own hands. A few weeks ago, when we talked about the tragic turn of events in Afghanistan, we received an overwhelming response from you. You wanted to help, but also to know that your time and treasure would go directly to the people in need. Well, we took action. We would like to announce the Galavante in the World Foundation.

Who We Are

We’ve created a nonprofit organization that focuses on humanitarian, women’s rights, and educational projects around the world — pretty much what we’ve been doing informally for the past six years. But now, we’re doing it in partnership with extraordinary individuals in our Galavante community.

What We Do

We don’t look at philanthropy from a 10,000-foot bird’s eye view thrice removed, hoping we make a difference. Instead, we assist at-risk individuals directly with critical support. Think of us as the José Andrés of the travel space, parachuting into crises to directly help those in need. We take immediate action. Galavante in the World is a different kind of foundation in that we’re not going to ask you for money constantly or host fancy events. Instead, we are funding real evacuation flights and extraction costs. We are providing resettlement in the US with housing, basic necessities, job placement and mentorship. At our Foundation, it’s not theoretically making a difference; we’re really saving lives.

How We Contribute

Our purpose is to cover specific crisis situations and expenses. We’re 100% volunteer run, which means 100% goes to those in dire need. While money makes the world go round, you can be part of this in a meaningful, personal way. Be a mentor, provide legal advice (please be a lawyer), or connect the right people. You will directly help someone in need.

The Afghanistan Project

Our first endeavor and our inspiration for the foundation is The Afghanistan Project. In one month, we’ve put together resources for four evacuation flights. We’re supporting alumnae of the American University of Afghanistan who somehow got on flights at the Kabul airport to Ukraine, Italy and Pakistan. We’re providing them with housing and food until they arrive in the US, and plane tickets to get here. When these women and their families land in the US, we’re providing housing, basic necessities, career placement, legal help and mentorship. And let us tell you, these women are going to change the world.

What we have achieved in one month:

  • Our foundation has secured four evacuation flights, pending State Department approval.
  • The foundation team is working to evacuate 400+ alumnae and families to resettle them in the US.
  • We’re assisting five students who self-evacuated to a nearby country to get them reunited with their classmates at one of AUAF’s satellite campuses.
  • The team has provided housing for an alumna in Ukraine for two months, plus a commitment for longer until she is able to come to the US. We are also providing career services support for her to work in data science upon her arrival.
  • The Foundation has committed $25,000 for the resettlement of an alumna who self-evacuated and will attend Georgetown University.
  • We are assisting a student and her family of nine with plane tickets and resettlement in the US or Canada.
  • We are working on a six-month housing stipend in collaboration with a partner foundation for Afghan women and their families.

This is just the start. Think about what we can do with your help.

What we need:

1.  Assistance with lobbying Congress. 

We will not leave women behind who are gaining admission to Georgetown for graduate school. It is imperative to get our AUAF alumnae prioritized on the evacuation list. We have planes. If you have any connections to the State Department or Congress, we need your help.

2.  Companies to interview alumnae for positions.

These women are the top of their class; AUAF is the Harvard of the Middle East. They study political science, law, finance, engineering and data science. Their stories are remarkable; these individuals are a special breed of survivor to reach this level of education and professional accomplishment. If you have a company that would be able to interview and hire qualified candidates, please reach out.

3.  Housing.   

These women will be landing in the US with their families and will need a place to settle for six months. It takes time to get visas, immigration papers, and new lives established. We will be providing $25,000 housing stipends. If you know people at Airbnb or are able to assist, information on how to get involved is below.

4.  Clothing, food and basic necessities.  

These women are leaving Afghanistan with only a backpack. One left with a cloth full of soil from Afghanistan because of her love for her country. We need to help them with clothing, food and pocket money to start out. They are leaving their entire lives and coming to the US with just the clothing on their backs.

5.  Financial Donations.  

Our work does not happen without funds. If you are in a position to do, please donate as it will go directly to an exceptional human being for housing and basic necessities.

How to get involved

We have a private GoFundMe. You may also donate directly to our Foundation. The Taliban is watching platforms to assess ransom potential, and anything public will put the women in even more risk.

Please contact [email protected] if you want to be part of The Afghanistan Project.

About the Foundation

Mission: The Galavante in the World Foundation is a nonprofit organization that focuses on humanitarian, women’s rights, and educational projects around the world. We assist in critical emergency situations with strategic partners to achieve specific, measurable and impactful objectives.

Operations: We are a nonprofit corporation that is in the process of applying for 501c3 status.  We focus on one project at a time, and see it through from start to finish.  Our Directors include Galavante Founder Christine Drinan, Attorney Walter Piecewicz, and independent CFO and Financial Oversight Officer Keiko Reid.

Our Approach  

We address current events and assist existing organizations that demonstrate a measurable impact to better the world.

Our goals for each project we take on is to do the following:

  • Set up a strategic plan to address the crisis situation, or in the case that we are working with a partner, the goal of our involvement.
  • Mobilize the correct resources to achieve our goals.
  • Raise in-kind and monetary funds for the purposes of the strategic plan objectives.
  • Deploy those funds directly in line with our project goals.
  • Measure the milestones and achievements of each project.
  • Provide the at-risk constituents and nonprofit partners with the tools they need to eventually administer the projects independent of our Foundation.
  • Evaluate the success of each project annually when processes and partner organizations have taken the lead in directing the projects.
  • Once projects are successfully running, monitor and serve as a support resource for the individuals and organizations.
  • Perform quarterly assessments and annual reports to communicate our progress to donors. We may also, at our discretion, update donors on a real-time basis as projects are funded.  We want to share with them the success and impact of their donations.

We recognize that projects will evolve, and we are agile to adapt to the needs of our at-risk constituents. Our ongoing project involvement goal will be to serve as strategic partners versus operational.  However at the onset of the project, we will be actively involved on tactical projects to help with the crisis or objectives at hand. We are a different foundation — we get action and objectives done.

Related: Welcome to the Galavante in the World Foundation

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