This week, we continue our Home for the Holidays series, where we galavante on to Sweet Home Chicago. Sharmila and I, who have known each other longer than we haven’t known each other, both were born and raised in the Midwest. It’s a city that while I live in New York, and Sharmila lives in Dubai, we still call home.
As part of the holidays, we are also featuring our THANKFUL series, with a focus on the non-profits that we devote ourselves to at Galavante. While we travel to some of the most overwhelmingly beautiful places in the world, we are well aware that the meaning of life is not about 1000+ thread count sheets. Our Founders build libraries for children in Africa, fund entrepreneurs who work to ameliorate poverty through microfinance and teach children about volunteerism. It is the working part of the “Working Jet Set” which keeps us grounded, and the holidays are just one of the many times of the year that we are grateful for what we have.
Last week, we had a holiday party to celebrate Galavante. Galavante started out as a pipedream, and less than a year later, we have a team of 21 talented Founders, Advisory Board Members, writers, copy editors, photographers, designers and developers. And we have you, the Working Jet Set, for whom we aspire to provide relevant recommendations, entertaining articles and inspire through travel. Thank you for all your support.
All the best,
Christine Drinan, Founder and Editor-in-Chief